Wedding Dress

Terrarium Wedding Favours

Ever heard of a terrarium?  Me either, until I started searching for mossy inspiration for my Midsommer's Night Dream feature. After a couple of clicks, I found myself exploring delicate worlds of miniature ferns, bromeliads and the occasional toadstool.  Perfect for the anti-gardener, many of terrariums come sealed, and require little or no care.  Use them as a table centre-piece, or favour your guests with miniatures, and add an air of magical mystique to your big day.

Terrarium Credits - Miniature: Warm Country Meadows, Round: DoodleBirdie, Gnome: Green Briar, Mossy Bird: Made by Mavis, Bottom Left: Warm Country Meadows, Trilogy: Green Briar, Toadstool: Warm Country Meadows, Bottom Right: Green Briar

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